sabato 15 gennaio 2011

Guess what?!

Introduciamo un nuovo progetto sulla nostra piattaforma digitale! Il nome è "Guess what?!" e l'obiettivo quello di coinvolgervi in un indovinello fotografico. Prendiamo il particolare di una foto, lo estraniamo dal contesto, lo alteriamo e vi chiediamo di indovinare che cos'è. L'indovinello "La foto delle feste" era fin troppo facile, lo ammetto. Ora vediamo cosa sapete fare!
Ecco la prima foto di "Guess what?!". Le risposte alla vostra fantasia!
(For our English-speaking readers: Massimo and I are introducing a new project on our blog! The name is "Guess what?!" and our ojective is that of involving you in a photographic riddle. We take a snapshot of a part of a photo, we cut it from its original context, we alter it and we ask you to guess what it is. The riddle "La foto delle feste" was too easy, my fault! Now, let's see what you can do! Here's the first "Guess what?!" photo. Use your imagination and check how far it can go!)

13 commenti:

  1. Mmmm... la parte inferiore delle spugnette per la casa (quelle verdi sopra e di spugna gialla sotto).
    Fuochino o acqua???
    ahahaha bacio!!

  2. acqua acqua..
    spugnoso al tatto sì, ma spugna non è!

  3. Looks like Ice! Or really tightly packed snow :)
    Study time for me, but I'll send you an email soon! <3

  4. ok, so here are three suggestions: 1st stone, 2nd salt and 3rd a mashroom?? :P

  5. Ahahah! Not a lasagna, nor salt, nor a stone, nor a mashroom!

  6. Freia.. you're close.. but it's not a hamburger bun!

  7. I'm posting the comment of my friend Apple, who unfortunately can't post herself because she doesn't have a gmail or yahoo account.. here's her guess:

    it looks like some kind of bread, Ale or.... maybe sponge ><

  8. Sorry Apple, it's not a sponge.. but you're pretty close with the bread.. but it's not bread..

  9. Apple, you're so close! it's something you can eat and it's something sweet..
    enough with the tips!
